Wordless Wednesday : Pinkie has the blues

Wordless Wednesday : Pinkie has the blues

(FYI: I did a tutorial on how to do quick arty photos in a free app — apple or pc desktop/laptop.  I don’t think they have a phone version, sorry.  If you want to check out the tutorial go here: tutorial)

I am thinking of making a blank notecard of this one.  What do you think?  Yes? No?


Photo challenges/blog hops/ linkups

Comedy-Plus Wordless Wednesday

image-in-ing (A Wordless Wednesday blog hop on Tuesday)

Curious as a Cathy Wordless Wednesday

24-I by B e v e r l y (Imagination), ABC-Wednesday

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43 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday : Pinkie has the blues”

    1. Sorry about not being clearer. Thank you so much for visiting and I’m glad you liked my Pinkie.

    1. No worries. Late is fine. We love comments any time! Midnight is purring so he agrees with me. (Besides as you can tell as I have a hard time with timely prompts, it would be kettle calling the pot black on my part to complain about lateness.)

    1. OH cool! I hope you like the tutorial and if you use it, that it’s easy to follow. Thanks for popping by!

  1. It’s beautiful, stunning, but a bit softer, perhaps – and that’s from a person who’s colourblind, so listen to your own gut and not me!
    It is beautiful, she is stunning, it would make a great card.

    1. Thank you for your feedback! That’s cool that the pic works even if you’re color blind. Does softer mean — make the details softer so more like a watercolor or does softer mean make the colors softer so more pastelly? If you’re color blind, does that mean you can’t see certain colors? Or do you see the world in black & white? Or are colors muted? Just curious. I had a boyfriend who was a very good photographer but he was color blind. He just couldn’t see the difference between green/red, I think it was.

      1. Mine is blue-green = same colour!

        I think the softer refers to the depth of colour, so probably more pastelly, especially around the eyes – beautiful, half-closed eyes.

        1. Blue and green are the same colour? They are pretty close. WE call the go lights “green lights” in America but in Japan they are called “blue lights.” Just green has a bit more yellow is all. You’re probably seeing blue correctly I bet. Blue is one of my favorite colors.

          That sounds like a great idea!(half closed eyes) I’ll try that and also kittenish wider pupils. Half closed lids may be harder to fake than widening the pupils.

  2. It is good but I guess it depends on whether you like blue. I saw the other examples in the tutorial, and I have my own preference. I notice when you give too many choices, people always want yet a different one!

    1. I think all the choices are good ones and there are tons more. It just depends on what you want it for and your feeling at that particular moment. Now of course I’m curious, which one did you like the most? I wanted to show something completely different than what I usually post. Hanging out with my artist friend in California reminded me of how into art I used to be so I thought this might be a way to ease myself back into doing art again.

        1. I’ll post Cathedral Rock on Monday Meow so others can see that one too. Yes, I am surprised at all the comments. It’s lovely. It’s awesome when people like something you love to do.

    1. That’s funny. I have a blue ball of yarn and Pinkie loves trying to snag it.

      Thanks for visiting!

    1. Thanks for visiting and for the lovely comment. It’s fun playing with photos. I’ll jump over and take a look at yours.

  3. I thought I commented already, but no comment here. Pinkie looks good in blue. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday, Pinkie. My best to your mom. ♥

    1. Pinkie purrs, “I look good in anything.” I admonish, “Pinkie say thank you when someone compiments you.” Pinkie looks puzzled, “Why? It’s true.”

      Thank you! I’m glad you liked the picture. Hanging out with my artist friend In California has reminded me I used to be more into art. It’s fun. Thank you for hosting the WW. Hope you’re having a great Feline Friday.

      (On comments not showing up. Sorry, I was sleeping. I moderate all comments so sometimes there is a delay. In this case though, I don’t see another comment for you so it’s good you reposted. I don’t know where the first one went)

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